Saturday, May 31, 2008

The National Spelling Bee

"You want me to spell numbnut? Oh, numnah! That's a relief." I love watching the National Spelling Bee, it cracks me up. These kids are seriously intense. I didn't even know what 90% of the words meant, let alone how to spell them.

Friday, May 30, 2008

"Strange things are afoot at the Circle K!"

Do you ever re-watch a movie you saw a million times as a kid as an adult? Suddenly you understand all of the jokes and innuendos and the movie becomes funny all over again. I have been having this experience a lot lately. The best, though, was watching Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure with my 16 year old sister. She thought it was funny because they were such idiots, and I thought it was funny because it reminded me of my students. "Caesar was a salad dressing dude!"
Did any of you ever see the movie The Last Star Fighter? I think my brother and I watched it daily for a year straight. I watched it again over spring break- HBO must have been doing a blast-from-the-past marathon because they showed that movie The Boy Who Could Fly too, the one with Fred Savage on a big wheel. Anyway, while watching The Last Star Fighter I realized how distrubed I was even now by the old alien who takes out his eyeballs and polishes them like a pair of reading glasses. Bizarro!!!
What movies do you remember? Maybe during some down-time it would be fun to pull out some of those great "B" movies and have a laugh. Oh and remember... "Be excellent to each other... and Party on Dudes!"

Thursday, May 29, 2008

I LOVE these guys!!!

An Italian villa in the heart of Salt Lake City

It is official, I am going to be a Ute...and I am going to live in a yellow apartment building one block from Temple Square that isn't even large enough to swing a cat in. Isola Bella, this place even has an Italian name! Those of you who know me well know that I chose this apartment based solely on its outside exterior- shallow I know, but I won't be spending much time there anyway. My real home is going to be the law library.